Recent Work – A Promotional Video For A Phased Array Technology Business

Sonatest is one of the most respected suppliers of ultrasonic NDT instruments in the world. They commissioned us to create a video that would launch there new flagship product - The Veo+.

After a script meeting it was decided to create two promotional videos for the product. The first was to be a video to be played at the launch exhibition (in the US) and this was to be the longest version (with the most technical content about the product). The second edit would be a much shorter version which was designed for social media marketing channels, designed for brand and product awareness.

Sonatest wanted to use there sales director (Ron) to front the video as he was very well known and respected in the industry. We worked alongside Sonatest to develop a script that he was comfortable presenting on the video production day. We decided to use green screen technology behind Ron which means in post production we can place whatever background we like behind him (this technology is often used in movies). Footage behind Ron was to include locations where the VEO+ could be used as well as the instrument itself with examples of modes and screens that the product is capable of.

To keep viewer engagement we cut quickly between Ron and footage as well as motion graphics to keep a good pace to the video. The production day went smooth thanks to a great relationship with Sonatest building a tight script. Well done to Ron for learning his lines and keeping composed on the day!