School video production is always challenging, a fun one though! Working with kids will always stretch a videographers skills to the limit, patience is key!
The brief from the school was to ensure the character of the school was portrayed strongly throughout the video. The only way to really get this to happen was to use audio throughout, this meant the passion of both the pupils and the teachers could be heard by the viewer.
We used a 6 year old to front the video (Gracie) as this was to give the video a nice soft edge. Each scene was then planned with the head teacher to give a general picture of the overall school. A strong emphasis was put on the early years as this is where the vast majority of pupils start and where many parents will want to get a good understanding before sending their child.
We used a selection of ground cameras, drones and radio mics to creatively capture each scene. This was a really fun project to work on and from experiencing the passion of all the teachers we can genuinely say that it is a great Primary School for any child to be at.