After finishing the long edit (for their investors), Everlast asked us to create a shorter version intended to show the public the scope and value of their fitness clubs.
The video was to be used on social media channels as well as Youtube. The brief was to create a video around 60 seconds in length.
Editing the longer version into a video that is better suited to social media is never as easy as it sounds. Creating a 60 second video from one that is over twice as long can be quiet challenging.
The decision was therefore made to meet with the team at Everlast and edit this version together. This ensured we included exactly what they wanted in the new edit and only kept in what was completely vital.
Videos for Social media are very different to those that are created for exhibitions or presentations. In those circumstances the length of the video is not a huge issue as your audience is there with motivation to watch it. When showcasing a product or service on social media however the game is different. It is widely shown in research that you have around 60 seconds before people start switching off social media videos. The attention span is much shorter than say at a trade exhibition or presentation.
The final social media edit shown here intended to show the main parts of the club, some demonstrations of classes and end on the call to action, which was the last scene with "Join Now" in a split screen of the club from the outside to reinforce the Everlast Brand.
It was great to work with the Everlast team on this edit as we really got to see how the client views their brand. This can only help in the editing process and certainly one we will encourage in the future for this type of editing.