Where To Put Your Video On Your Website

We often get asked by our clients where to place a video on a website. Some businesses will have their own web designer who knows how to do this, others won’t. Needless to say it is a simple process and would take a web designer less than 5 minutes. If you have the login details for your website there are plenty of tutorials out there on Youtube as well. A video will give your website a better ranking with the search engines too and this means you will see your website higher up in search results. This is only a good thing as being on page one (and ideally high on the page) is crucial to getting decent web traffic to your site. Google loves video content on websites and thankfully it is very simple to show off this great medium on your site.

There is actually no right or wrong place to put your video on the website. However web statistics year after year report that a website has approximately seven seconds to grab the users attention before they click off and search elsewhere for what they are looking for. Therefore why not put the video at the top of your website? This place is called “above the fold” and is what people see first before scrolling down your homepage. Video has been shown to keep people on websites, on average, over two minutes longer than websites without video. Therefore putting the video at the top of your site can only be a good thing. It does not mean the video is the only thing at the top of the site either, a good website designer will incorporate the right amount of text and images above the fold to balance out your video placement. Let’s face it, you have just (or about to) budget for a well scripted and produced video that shows off what your company does, why wouldn’t you want it front and centre?